2010년 8월 8일 일요일

[artifact]Korean helmets at Imjinwar(1592~1599)

Cheom-joo(kattle hat), Gamtoohyeong-toogoo(Mongol style hemet) many used Joseon era

kattle hat. Est Asia(Korean) style
 Kattle hat is remain some artifacts

Dongraeeup-seong discovered Cheom-joo
This Kattlehat is together discovered lamellar armour in Dongraeup-seong trench site(Busan)

Ryu Seongryong's helmet(Cheom-joo, kattle hat)
This helmet is another shape same kattle hat, but brim is only front side. : )

Gamtoohyeong-toogoo(Gamtoo shaped helmet)
 This style helmet famous using 13~ 19th centries in Eest Asia nations(Mongol-Yuan, Korean- late Goryeo & Joseon, China- Ming, Jurchen/Manchu-Qing)

 General Jeong Gongcheong(1563~1643)'s helmet

+ Gamtoo is Korean traditional cap.

Samyeong Daesa(1544~1610) helmet
 Samyeong Daesa was commander with 승병Seungbyeong(Monk restistance).

+Daesa's meaning Great Buddist Monk


Ryu Seongrong's helmet
-한국의 갑주/ 문화재공보부(현 문화재청) / 1987 Korean armour and helmet / Cultrural Heritage Adminstration of Korea / 1987
└"원문보기"is lead it.  http://www.dlibrary.go.kr/JavaClient/jsp/ndli/full2.jsp?v_kw_str=(한국의 AND 갑주)&v_db=5&v_doc_no=270&mode=1
- 영모각 Yeongmo-gak (Museum of Ryu Seongryong's article left by the deceased )

Dongraeup-seong Kattle hat
-Busan Museum
└ 부산지하철 3호선 수안정차장부지 내 문화유적 발굴조사(2-2차) 현장설명회 자료 Herritage Site Discover Pressentation http://www.gicp.or.kr/ebook/upfile/%BC%F6%BE%C82-2%C2%F7%20%C7%F6%C0%E5%BC%B3%B8%ED%C8%B8%20%C0%DA%B7%E1.pdf
General Jeong Gongcheong's helmet
-Cultrural Heritage Adminstration of Korea

-Cultrural Heritage Adminstration of Korea

Samyeong Daesa(1544~1610) helmet

북한문화재자료관 cultural heritage of north Korea http://north.nricp.go.kr/nrth/kor/inx/index.jsp

- 조선유적유물도감(The)illustrated book of ruins and relics of Korea (north. Korea)
- (조선고고학총서 제44권)발해의 유물: 중세편20/ 리창진 저 /평양: 사회과학원 고고학연구소, 2009.
-> This Books in a 통일부자료센터Information Center on North Korea -"The National Library of Korean" floor #5, https://unibook.unikorea.go.kr/new2/index.jsp

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