2012년 1월 5일 목요일

Korean leather armour artifacts

Seokam-ri tomb #219 leather lamellar armour.
Discovered Seokjang-ri tomb #219 Jeongbak-dong Pyeongyang-si, North Korea
 Han dynasty style lamellar

p. 56~58

Ryu Seongryong's lamellar armour

Brigandine armour's - leather
Jeneral Yeo Ban's armour(1699~1733) - National Daegu Museum(국립대구박물관)

Bosanghwa-Dangchomun(Flower-arabesque pattern)Silk covered leather brigandine armour - Museum of Yonsei University(연세대박물관)

Silk covered leather brigandine armour - Museum of Korea University(고려대박물관)

Silk covered leather brigandine armour - Korean army Museum(육군박물관)

Cotton covered leather brigandine armour - Korean army Museum
Seokam-ri tomb #219 leather lamellar armour.
-Academy of National Defense&Military(in Ministry of National Defense)
-한국의군복식발달사/국방군사연구소(History of Korean Military custume's development/Academy of National Defense&Military)
pdf download (p. 56~58)

Ryu Seongryong's lamellar armour

- A Preliminary Investigation for the Restoration of the Shape of Seong-ryong Ryu's Armor / Journal of the Korean Society of Costume Vol.59, No5 (june 2009) pp.1-18

-한국의 갑주/ 문화재공보부(현 문화재청) / 1987 Korean armour and helmet / Cultrural Heritage Adminstration of Korea / 1987
└"원문보기"is lead it.  http://www.dlibrary.go.kr/JavaClient/jsp/ndli/full2.jsp?v_kw_str=(한국의 AND 갑주)&v_db=5&v_doc_no=270&mode=1

- 영모각 Yeongmo-gak (Museum of Ryu Seongryong's article left by the deceased )

*"Korean armour and helmet" is too rare, do you want a reed color page? going to National libraries.
**I'm have it. this book prise are jumping to 50% after buying to me :0
Jeneral Yeo Ban's armour
- National Daegu Museum http://daegu.museum.go.kr/

-한국의 갑주/ 문화재공보부(현 문화재청) / 1987 Korean armour and helmet / Cultrural Heritage Adminstration of Korea / 1987
└PDW lead it.  http://www.dlibrary.go.kr/JavaClient/jsp/ndli/full2.jsp?v_kw_str=(한국의 AND 갑주)&v_db=5&v_doc_no=270&mode=1


Bosanghwa-Dangchomun(Flower-arabesque pattern)Silk covered leather brigandine armour

- Museum of Yonsei University(연세대박물관) http://museum.yonsei.ac.kr/museum/

-한국의 갑주/ 문화재공보부(현 문화재청) / 1987 Korean armour and helmet / Cultrural Heritage Adminstration of Korea / 1987
└"원문보기"is lead it.  http://www.dlibrary.go.kr/JavaClient/jsp/ndli/full2.jsp?v_kw_str=(한국의 AND 갑주)&v_db=5&v_doc_no=270&mode=1

Silk covered leather brigandine armour
- Museum of Korea University(고려대박물관) http://museum.korea.ac.kr/main.html

-한국의 갑주/ 문화재공보부(현 문화재청) / 1987 Korean armour and helmet / Cultrural Heritage Adminstration of Korea / 1987
└"원문보기"is lead it.  http://www.dlibrary.go.kr/JavaClient/jsp/ndli/full2.jsp?v_kw_str=(한국의 AND 갑주)&v_db=5&v_doc_no=270&mode=1

Silk covered leather brigandine armour,
Cotton covered leather brigandine armour
- Korean army Museum(육군박물관) http://museum.kma.ac.kr/kor_n/index.jsp

-한국의 갑주/ 문화재공보부(현 문화재청) / 1987 Korean armour and helmet / Cultrural Heritage Adminstration of Korea / 1987
└"원문보기"is lead it.  http://www.dlibrary.go.kr/JavaClient/jsp/ndli/full2.jsp?v_kw_str=(한국의 AND 갑주)&v_db=5&v_doc_no=270&mode=1


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