This type armour's spotted to early Bronze age of siberia, And verry long time used for Sibeia~Alaska natives about B.C 20th ~ early A.D 20th centry.
-1- Korean penisular
Used about B.C 10th~ A.D 6th centry
1. Hogok site lameallars
-B.C 10th centry(Bronze age)
2. Daho-ri site lamellar
-A.D 2th centry
-leather(on the back lacqered)
3. Misa-ri site lamellar
-Misa-ri, Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do
-A.D 4~5th centry, Baekje
4. Jukmak-dong site lamellars
-Jukmak-dong, Goheung-gun,
-A.D 6th centry, Baekje
-2- Manchuria
1. Hutapyeong site(后太平 遺蹟) lamellar
- Hutapyeong, Swangriao, Jirin
-Bronze age.
-3- Siberia
1. Ymyyahtahskaya Culture(Ымыяхтахскaя культура) Warrior Burried(tomb) site
-Shaka Republic, Russia(far east)
-B.C 20th centry(Late stone-age~ Early Bronze age culture)
-Oldest artifect of this type armour.
-Bone armour & shield
2. Seyma-Turbine Culture (Сейминско-турбинская культура)
- , Russia
-B.C 18~ 15th centry
-Deer's horn
3. Sinegayskaya Culture(Синегaйскaя культура)
-Far East Russia
-(Bronze age culture)
-Bone(Boar's bone)
4. krounovskaya Culture(кроуновская культура)
- Korean penisular's north east ~ Far East Russia
- (Early Iron age)
- Bone
- Korean's called Okjeo(옥저沃沮 Wuju) for this culture.
(none photo)
5. Poltsevskaya Culture(Польцевскaя культура)
-Near Bladivostok(Far East Russia)
-B.C2~ A.D3th centry(Early Iron age)
-Bone and Iron
- Korean's called Eupru(읍루挹婁) for this culture.
*Eupru(挹婁) tribe is ancistor of Margar(靺鞨Mohe) -> Yeojin(女眞Jurchen) -> Manchuria tribe, and some tribe's live in Goguryeo territory
-4- Siberia ~ Alaska native's traditional armour
1.Torso armor
-Inupiaq (?),
-circa 1830.
-Walrossrippen Museovirasto, Helsinki.
2. Suit of armour of a warrior.
-Early 20th centry.
-The Russian Museum of Ethnography
-Bone, antler, seal skin.
3. Wood armor
-Aleut tribe
-Kagamil Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
-National Museum of Natural History
-Wood, sinew
4. bone lamellar
-6- Making?
1. Lacing pattern.
2. Material
1)Bone, Horn and tusk
- Deer, Whale, Cattle, Boar, Seal and E.T.C
*Korean reference
Ancient Korean Armour /
Lee Hyunju / BokcheonMuseum(Busan Museum)
New perspectives on the Okcho (Wuju) people based on newly found archaeological materials from Maritime region of Russia and neighbouring reginons / Kim Jaeyoon, A. L. Subbotina, N. A. Kluev / North East Asia History Foundation
Evolution of Baek Jae Armor and its Background /Lee Hyunju / BokcheonMuseum(Busan Museum)
*Chinese reference
Shuangliao city home page
*Russian reference
Новосибирский справочник История Сибири
Погребение ымыяхтахского воина в местности Кёрдюген / Алексеев А.Н., Жирков Э.К., Степанов А.Д., Шараборин А.К., Алексеева Л.Л. / Археология, этнография и антропология Евразии. № 2(26) 2006 г., Новосибирск, 2006. С. 45-52.
(The burial of a warrior in the area ymyyahtahskogo Kerdyugen / Alekseev, AN, Zhirkov EK Stepanov, AD, Sharaborin AK Alekseev, LL / Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia. № 2 (26) 2006, Novosibirsk, 2006. S. 45-52. )
ПАНЦИРИ РАННЕГО ЖЕЛЕЗНОГО ВЕКА НА АЛТАЕ / В.В. Горбунов / Барнаул, Алтайский государственный университет
(The Altai armours of the early iron age / V.V. Gorbunov /Barnaul, Altai State University )
Usuri archaeological club
*English reference
National Museum of Natural History
Torso armor made of bone. Inupiaq (?), Alaska, circa 1830. Walrossrippen Museovirasto, Helsinki. Foto: Scheueregger
Slat armour class poster
The Russian Museum of Ethnography
artworkbid(blew the page)
Viking bone armour
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